Fate Line in Palmistry

Any line that goes from anywhere in the palm to the Saturn mountain is called the Fate Line. In many hands, this line reaches to the Mercury Mount through Saturn mountain, in this way, this line cannot be called a fate line. In some hands, this line begins with the mountain of Venus and ends on the mountain of Saturn, then in some hand, it comes out from the wrist (manibandh) and goes straight up and stops at the Saturn mount.

In some hands, this line goes out of moon mount and goes to Saturn mount, in some hands, it goes out from the sun and goes to the Saturn mountain. Very good fortune line is considered which reaches Saturn's place near the lifeline straight to the finger of the Saturn. The more deep, clear and innocent this line is, the fate of that person will be called as much superior. As per Palmistry Fate line doesn't available in all the hands, around 50% hands do not have fate line, this doesn't mean that the person is fateless. Fate line shows the job satisfaction, those persons do not have fate line in their hands it shows that they are not going to get any support from their blood relation and relatives.

Two, three or more Fate lines in Palmistry - In many cases, fate lines are found more than two or three in a hand.if such kind of fate lines are present in a good hand then it is very much fruitful and such persons are lucky. If a fate line starts between the venus and moon mount, it indicates that the person maintains the balance between the family members and the outsiders   If a fate line joins with the heart line and moves forward it means such kind of person do their work by heart. If a fate line goes to the Jupiter mount it means that the person will be doing his job till the end time.

As per Indian ancient Palmistry If a fate line ends at the heart line it reveals that a person will not work beyond his retirement.if, in a palm, a fate line joins the Griddle of venus then the person emotionally attached with their work. If there is two parallel fate line in a hand then the person does his work in full swing. such kind of person does two work simultaneously. Those whose fate line is straight, are stubborn, they do not know themselves as a shield by the society the fate line is crossed by any other line except the headline in the palm, then it is an inauspicious sign. If the fate line ends in the middle of the palm, then it is a sign of career crises in the middle of the person's life span.

If the fate line is narrow and deep, then the person increases self-confidence and satisfied with his work. If the fate line is straight and clear and going towards Sun Mount from Saturn mount, then that person gets special success in the field of art. If the fate line is chained or wavy, then that person has to suffer a lot in life a small line travels from the origin of the fate line to the mount of Venus in a palm, it shows that the  fate of that person will arise through a woman


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